Monday, January 31, 2011

Personal Reflection

     Satire in today's society is very common.  It is mainly criticising politicians and how they take care of our nation.  They always make bad choices or do something so incredibly stupid that everyone hates them for it.  like Obama and his tax thing and how he lied about everything he said during the elections.  Satire is also focused on celebrities and certain subjects like cell phones and modern technology that the elderly thing are dumb.  Satire is used all the time in comics and posts on the web.  Satire is known as the criticising of a certain person or thing so in other words people talking smack about things.  That is how Satire works today.

Buzzing Neucence

    In this satire cartoon people are trying to make fun and disregard the use of cell phones when it is not appropriate to use them.  The satire involved in this picture is also irony due to the buzzing of the phone and the buzzing of the bees.  People think it is rude to use cell phones in areas where people are trying to learn or experience a moment that shouldn't be interrupted by and annoying sound or person talking on the phone.  This satire shows how much people dislike and criticise cell phones.

Obama Crazy Satire

      In this satire cartoon Obama is being realized as a dummy because he is getting invloved in certain ares of polotics that aren't his areas to get invloved with.  The trourists in the picture are trying to tell him that they do not care about the issues that he wants to fix because its not his job.  Obama is trying to point out that he cares about alot of the issues but the people that created this cartoon are trying to say well then hurry up and fix them.  Yet he does nothing to fix them when he has other duties to attend to that are actually his responsobilities.  this cartoon criticises Obama on his unawearness of what he is supposed to be doing.

Genocide satire?What?

      In this satire comic of genocide the UN is being moved to sedan to get rid of what they assume are pests.  This is an example of satire because it is showing how the government does nothing about the genocide that is going on in the world.  The people are criticising how all governments don't give two butts about the people that are being involved in genocide.  So they tuned the idea and movment into a funny cartoon making fun and criticising the government for their dumb terible blindness.

George Almighty

In this satire cartoon George W. Bush is being critisized for his out take on ware and the society of america.  The people are saying that he thinks that he is contol of the world and that he has made so many trrible decisions that he thinks are good ones.  This cartoon shows people's critisism torwds his so called acheivements.  The poeple who created this poster took all of georges down fall and made it into a funny satire cartoon.

Satire of the Gays

In this picture a gay man is being chased from a parade by politicians.  This is an example of satire that is commomly found in America.  The governmnent as well as most of the United States' population put satire amongst the gays in our country.  Poeple discourage them and treat them as if they are an anilen or a monstrocity.  They critisize the way that gays dress, look, act, and talk all across the nation.  This cartoon is an example of the way most people feel about the gay society.